Duel between Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma (1)Full unit name: Duel between Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma
Last updated: 19.07.2023 22:18:32
Basic info
First appearance: Tales of the Jedi : Dark Lords of the Sith
Included into
Tales of the Jedi, Volume 2
Relations: Empress Teta (Koros Major)
Empress Teta (Koros Major)
Known Facts (6)
The Second Duel in the Iron Citadel was a lightsaber battle that occurred late in the year 3997 BBY between two fallen Jedi: the power-thirsty Exar Kun
Exar Kun
Major Characters
and the headstrong Ulic Qel-Droma
Ulic Qel-Droma
Supporting Characters
. The duel took place in the Tetan
Empress Teta (Koros Major)
capital city of Cinnagar, in the Iron Citadel of the dark side Krath cult
Planetary and Sector
. Qel-Droma, who had just recently engaged and killed the Krath leader Satal Keto, was given an ancient Sith amulet by Satal's cousin, Aleema, and was also taken as Aleema's joint partner in leadership of the Krath. Unbeknownst to them, a Dark Jedi named Exar Kun had learned of their existence from the spirit of Freedon Nadd
Freedon Nadd
Supporting Characters
, an ancient Dark Lord of the Sith, who had also given Kun an amulet for himself. Seeing the Krath as a potential hindrance to his vision of a new Sith Empire, Kun traveled to Empress Teta and touched down in the planet's capital city. Guided by the Force to their location, Kun stormed the Iron Citadel and confronted Qel-Droma.
What followed was a brief but heated duel, with neither combatant able to best the other. As they battled, however, the amulets in each man's possession reacted to one another and began to resonate with dark side energies. The energies in turn summoned the spirit of an ancient Dark Lord named Marka Ragnos, who ended the duel and, after a brief proclamation, bestowed upon Kun the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and named Qel-Droma his foremost Sith apprentice.


See also
Related organizations
Brotherhood of the Sith
Members (2)
Members (1)
Related units, characters and technologies
Exar Kun
Ulic Qel-Droma
Marka Ragnos
Complete list

Full unit name: Duel between Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma Last updated: 19.07.2023 22:18:32